Elder Eddie C. Walker, Pastor
Spiritual growth and maturity is realized in the life of the believer by understanding conceptually, that we start out as seeds, grow into sprouts which forms into saplings, and shaped into trees with spiritual fruit and eventually becoming Trees of Righteousness according to Isaiah 61:1-3.
As Pastor-Teacher my responsibilities are to teach God’s Word to the believer and unbeliever by pruning and purging each individual into biblical and spiritual growth and maturity; with the result of bringing forth the fruit of righteousness so that the Fruit of the Spirit of Jesus Christ is reflected in our daily living.
My goal according to I Corinthians 5:17-19 is to reconcile the unbeliever to a born again life in Christ; so they will have a consistent and sound understanding of who they are and how they identify with Christ in His redemption, repentance, forgiveness, regeneration, justification, sanctification and son-ship. As a result of nurturing, the believer now has peace with God, eternal life and a spiritual inheritance in the kingdom of God. The ultimate outcome for each member of the body of Christ is to mature into spiritual Trees of Righteousness the planting of the Lord that he might be glorified here on earth.
Lady Kathy Walker
Lady Kathy Walker is a teacher in the body of Christ with a covenant ministry, Vinedresser Ministries, Inc.
Vinedresser Ministries, Inc. is a training and development ministry to the body of Christ and specifically to women, and that had its conception in the early eighties. Its covenant is established on St. John 15 “I am the true vine and my father is the husbandman or vinedresser.” Its mission is providing biblical and spiritual teaching and instruction that challenges the body of Christ to develop an abiding relationship and fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Over the last 30 years, Lady Kathy has implemented several Vinedresser Ministry conferences in the greater Cincinnati communities: Christian Family Living Part I & II, Women in the Church and Ministry, The Committed Woman, Lady the Lifestyle of a Fruitful Vine, Weapons of Warfare, Woman an Image of Loveliness, The Infinite Power of a Praying Woman and many others. Her next meeting will be held April 24-26, 2015 themed “A Grateful Heart.”
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